Ely McLaughlin
  • Male
  • Franconia, NH
  • United States
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Ely McLaughlin replied to Joanne Vaughn's discussion Nitrogen fixing bacteria for Alder trees
"Hello Freyda, I don't personally have any alder seeds in my collection, and they don't ripen in the woods, until fall.  I did find a website that might be helpful,…"
Jul 11, 2020
Ely McLaughlin replied to Joanne Vaughn's discussion Nitrogen fixing bacteria for Alder trees
"I don't know about the chemical properties of alder wood, but I did find a couple that are native to the Northeast.  Speckled alder (Alnus incana) and hazel alder (Alnus serrulata) are both native to portions of New York State and New…"
Jul 9, 2020
Ely McLaughlin updated their profile
Jul 8, 2020
Ely McLaughlin replied to Joanne Vaughn's discussion How long do brush cutter blades work?
"Eight hours seems short for a blade to be completely trashed.  I have never used the circular saw blades, but did a lot of work using the three-blade brush knife, when I was cutting ski trails, last summer.  I found that the blade would…"
Jul 8, 2020
Ely McLaughlin commented on Ely McLaughlin's blog post Common Trees of New Hampshire and the North Woods
"Image by Ely McLaughlin Sample Location: An impressive stand is located on NH-132 on either side of the New Hampton/Meredith town-line Scientific Name: Tsuga canadensis   Eastern hemlock could easily be considered the redwood of the…"
May 27, 2019
Ely McLaughlin commented on Ely McLaughlin's blog post Common Trees of New Hampshire and the North Woods
"Eastern Red Cedar Image by Jason Sharman, Vitalitree, Bugwood.org, Retrieved from: https://www.forestryimages.org/browse/detail.cfm?imgnum=5454533 Sample Location: North Monroe Cemetery, Monroe, NH Scientific Name: Juniperus…"
Apr 23, 2019

Profile Information

How many acres of woodland do you own or annually manage?
Please describe, with two or three sentences, why you are interested in woodlot ecology and management. Your answer helps us ensure that only those people truly interested in woodlots are added as members.
I have always enjoyed being out in the woods (hiking, skiing, etc.). I am also fascinated by the fact that forests can provide us so many different resources, and if managed properly, are completely renewable. After completing high school, I plan to attend college to study forestry, and hope to eventually help others maintain their own woodlots. I am also intrigued by businesses that make use of forests such as firewood production or maple sugaring.

Ely McLaughlin's Blog

Common Trees of New Hampshire and the North Woods -- Black Cherry

Posted on March 12, 2019 at 2:30pm 0 Comments

  • Sample Location: Swamps near Dodge Pond in Lyman
  • Scientific Name: Prunus serotina

The black cherry tree is widely distributed in the eastern half of North America.  It grows everywhere in the United States east of the Mississippi River, except for the lower portion of that river valley itself, far northern Maine, and south of Lake Okeechobee in Florida.  It can also be found in the Canadian Maritimes, the Midwest as far west as eastern Kansas and…


Common Trees of New Hampshire and the North Woods

Posted on February 25, 2019 at 5:30pm 3 Comments

About a year ago, I started a paper, which attempts to describe all the trees found in New Hampshire, my home state.  I started this project as a school project, where I would just observe trees and their habitats and write what I saw, but it quickly morphed into an informal research paper focused on silvics and commercial uses of the described…


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How to get rid of buckthorn

Started by Randy Williams in Woodlot Management. Last reply by John McNerney Mar 18. 5 Replies

I have some property where the best timber was harvested several years before I purchased it.  There are now many areas where the buckthorn is so thick that nothing will grow under it.  I am looking for suggestions on how to get these areas back…Continue

grafting beech

Started by Allen Nichols in Woodlot Management. Last reply by Eleni Jousma Mar 18. 2 Replies

I am a director for the NY chapter of The American Chestnut Foundation. We expect to have a blight resistant tree to introduce to the public in 5 to 10 years.In the interm, before we have blight resistant nuts from these trees, I would like to graft…Continue

Rust Colored Hemlock Bark

Started by Carl Albers in Woodlot Management. Last reply by Lew Ward Feb 8. 1 Reply

Picture of a hemlock with rust colored bark.  When I cut a nearby tree, also with rust colored bark, it was infested with HWA.  Attached picture shows a Logrite ATV arch in use.Continue

Looking for white mulberry trees for research

Started by Connor Youngerman in Agroforestry. Last reply by Lew Ward Feb 8. 1 Reply

Greetings forestry ning communities! My name is Connor Youngerman, and I’m an extension support specialist at the Cornell Small Farms Program; my focus is agroforestry and mushroom production. We are currently working on a research grant to…Continue

My comments to the proposed changes to the 480a Forest Tax Law.

Started by Stephen Kutney in Woodlot Management Jan 29. 0 Replies

I sent the comments below to bslmregs@dec.ny.gov.  I’m writing to comment on the proposed changes to the 480a tax law.  My property is in the 480a Forestry Tax program.  I have been doing timber stand improvement projects on my property since 1968,…Continue


Started by Brett Chedzoy in Woodlot Management Jan 27. 0 Replies

Some fun facts about a tree that has always fascinated me:…Continue

Small-Scale Logging

Started by Peter Smallidge in Project Profiles. Last reply by John McNerney Apr 15, 2024. 4 Replies

Small-Scale Logging: Sugarbush and Woodlot Management Issue:  Many woodlot owners and maple syrup producers want to be more active in gathering logs or firewood from their property.  Often there are too few acres or too few trees to attract a…Continue

Tags: yourself, harvesting, woodlot, management, it

Replanting after timber harvest with climate change in mind

Started by Ben T. in Woodlot Management. Last reply by Patrik Schumann Mar 26, 2024. 1 Reply

Hi Everyone,I’ve been wondering what tree species are going to thrive over the next 50+ years as the climate warms in New York and I’m curious if folks are enhancing plantings of particular tree species for future commercial harvest with warmer and…Continue



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