I was intrigued last year by claims that stacking firewood in a "holz hausen" fashion could accelerate drying. Before building a second holz hausen this year, I came across the following link from an Aussie who seems to have taken a very scientific approach to comparing this method with the more traditional approach.
His webpages seem to have been loaded backwards but you quickly get the idea. Wondering if any members here have experimented with holz hausen and if so, what your experience was.
Hi Jack:
Thanks for sharing. I've seen people stack wood in the spiral fashion of "holz hausen", but confess I didn't know until now it had a name. The discussion on the link you provided makes sense given the need for air circulation and sun to accelerate the drying of firewood.
For anyone not familiar with basic principles of drying and stacking firewood, here is a good link from CCE Tompkins (here)
La meilleure façon de conserver le bois à brûler est de les conserver dans un égouttoir d'entreposage de Bois à brûler fermé. Souvenez-vous toujours que vous devriez placer l'égouttoir de Bois à brûler près de la cuisinière de Feu. De cette manière les bois n'attraperont pas d'eau et c'est convenable à,comme j'ai vu beaucoup de personnes placer l'égouttoir à l'extérieur de la maison et en hivers le bois attrape de l'eau ou il devient trop résistant pour introduire les rondins..
C'est une grande expérience; on peut l'exécuter à la maison!!
A little nit-picking: The word means "wood houses," plural. Therefore, you cannot have a second Holzhausen. It would be a Holzhaus.
Bitte bitte!
Started by Carl Albers in Woodlot Management. Last reply by Lew Ward Feb 8. 1 Reply 0 Likes
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Tags: yourself, harvesting, woodlot, management, it
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Started by Carl Albers in Woodlot Management Dec 31, 2023. 0 Replies 1 Like
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