Peter Smallidge's Blog (114)

Supreme Court requested to act on ninth court ruling for working forest roads as point source

The issue of whether or not forest roads serve as a point source for water pollution or fall under the provisions of non-point source remains an open question.  Recent actionsby the Attorney's General in 26 states and industry/owner groups have requested action and review by the Supreme Court. 


If other have information on…


Added by Peter Smallidge on November 3, 2011 at 6:14pm — 1 Comment

Woods Walk Report - Miner Institute

Columbus Day brought nice weather and 30 people to a woods walk at the Miner Institute in Franklin County, NY.  The tour was hosted by Cornell Cooperative Extension of Franklin County and the NY Forest Owners Association.  (see story by Richard Gast).  Some of the features included: discussion of the Flat Rock Sandstone…


Added by Peter Smallidge on October 31, 2011 at 9:30am — No Comments

Woody biofuels - what's in your woodlot and how do you heat your home

There is no shortage of interest and discussion in the personal use of woody biofuels, AKA firewood.  Without offering too much comment, I wanted to share some interesting links for those who spend time on this subject or are otherwise interested.


First, we (Connelly, Smallidge, and Allred) just finished a study on NYS Woodland Owners and their interest in woody biofuel.  A copy is attached to this blog or you can find a copy at this…


Added by Peter Smallidge on October 27, 2011 at 11:55pm — 1 Comment

Making good use of

Hi All:


There has been a wonderful and significant subscription to this site in response to recent news releases.  It seems reasonable to share some perspective on how you can make use of the site.  I want to share a few specific ideas on how I think this site can be optimally useful, and what the ForestConnect team is planning to provide.  Please take a few minutes to acquaint yourself with the blog (your current location), the forum, pictures, and events…


Added by Peter Smallidge on October 27, 2011 at 11:00pm — No Comments

150 Year Comparison of Tree Growth Rates - USFS Research

There has been speculation that changing environmental patterns would result in a growth decline of trees in the Northeast.  An interesting study by Bill Leak of the USFS NRS looked at a comparison of growth rates for sugar maple and American beech from samples collected in the late 1800's with 150 or more years of growth data.  The conclusion of this study was that there was no evidence for a growth decline.  The historic records showed 10-year diameter growth increments of 1.0 to 1.7…


Added by Peter Smallidge on October 20, 2011 at 9:47pm — No Comments

Introduction to silviculture - webinar information, October 19, 2011

For those who missed the webinar on October 19, 2011, here is some background and the links to the recordings for "Introduction to Silvicultural Principles and Practices."



October 19, 2011.  An introduction to silvicultural practices for private woodlands. …


Added by Peter Smallidge on October 19, 2011 at 9:30pm — No Comments

Intermediate Treatments - thin your woods (Univ. Minnesota)

Nice video segmentof stand thinning, pruning, and more from the University of Minnesota Extension Forestry Program.  Includes information on both conifer and hardwood species.

Added by Peter Smallidge on October 18, 2011 at 12:51pm — No Comments

Trees Grow Faster, Absorb more CO2

Forest researchers from Michigan (working in Wisconsin) published on the results of a 12 year study evaluating the effects of elevated carbon dioxide and ozone on tree growth (story here).  Previous thinking assumed that althought he elevated CO2 would increase tree growth, that soil nitrogen would become limiting and the growth enhancement would be truncated.  The MI study found elevated growth even…


Added by Peter Smallidge on October 18, 2011 at 12:32pm — No Comments

Tree planting in NY - "Trees for Tribs"

The NYS Department of Environmental Conservation announced its tree planing "trees for tribs" program.  The tree planting program is a partnership of the DEC and the Natural Resources Conservation Service.  More information on the program is available here.


Note, you prospective tree planters, CCE has a…


Added by Peter Smallidge on October 15, 2011 at 9:25am — No Comments

The value of ecosystem services and development of ecosystem markets

The state of Maryland, via the governor and state department of natural resources has released its final report on a market based approach to recovering ecosystem services.  MD's connection to the Chesapeake is perhaps obvious and the report seeks to document equitable offsets when forest land is developed, and proposes programs that will encourage private sector involvement. 


Here is a link to the…


Added by Peter Smallidge on October 15, 2011 at 8:00am — 1 Comment

Wood pellets global economies

The Society of American Foresters shared a news storyabout the interface of North American forest products and European markets as relates to wood pellets.  There has been significant growth recently that is attributed to the European goal of reducing emissions by 2020.  The story reports on the relative environmental…


Added by Peter Smallidge on October 14, 2011 at 7:14pm — No Comments

Sustainable Forestry and Walktober

Here is an interesting story from central CT and the practice of sustainable forestry on private lands (link to story).  It is nice to see some stories from the eastern US where private owners are unabashedly deciding to manage their forest in a fashion that is productive, aesthetic, conservation-minded, and sustainable.  But, I would argue, all the forestry we practice on private (or public) lands…


Added by Peter Smallidge on October 13, 2011 at 11:30pm — 1 Comment

Emerald Ash Borer Webinar - link to archive


The ForestConnect webinar on September 21, 2011 by Mark Whitmore was on the status and management update for emerald ash borer.  The archived webinars are now available. 


The noon webinar link is

The 7PM webinar link is …


Added by Peter Smallidge on October 11, 2011 at 7:30pm — No Comments

Eastern white pine


There is something special about eastern white pine (Pinus strobus).  It is some combination of its rich history in making America, the beauty of the tree growing among other white pine or mixed with hardwoods, the softness of the foliage, and its ability to colonize disturbed sites and grow, in some cases, to awesome…


Added by Peter Smallidge on October 11, 2011 at 10:30am — No Comments


Rust Colored Hemlock Bark

Started by Carl Albers in Woodlot Management. Last reply by Lew Ward Feb 8. 1 Reply

Picture of a hemlock with rust colored bark.  When I cut a nearby tree, also with rust colored bark, it was infested with HWA.  Attached picture shows a Logrite ATV arch in use.Continue

Looking for white mulberry trees for research

Started by Connor Youngerman in Agroforestry. Last reply by Lew Ward Feb 8. 1 Reply

Greetings forestry ning communities! My name is Connor Youngerman, and I’m an extension support specialist at the Cornell Small Farms Program; my focus is agroforestry and mushroom production. We are currently working on a research grant to…Continue

My comments to the proposed changes to the 480a Forest Tax Law.

Started by Stephen Kutney in Woodlot Management Jan 29. 0 Replies

I sent the comments below to  I’m writing to comment on the proposed changes to the 480a tax law.  My property is in the 480a Forestry Tax program.  I have been doing timber stand improvement projects on my property since 1968,…Continue


Started by Brett Chedzoy in Woodlot Management Jan 27. 0 Replies

Some fun facts about a tree that has always fascinated me:…Continue

How to get rid of buckthorn

Started by Randy Williams in Woodlot Management. Last reply by John McNerney Aug 2, 2024. 3 Replies

I have some property where the best timber was harvested several years before I purchased it.  There are now many areas where the buckthorn is so thick that nothing will grow under it.  I am looking for suggestions on how to get these areas back…Continue

Small-Scale Logging

Started by Peter Smallidge in Project Profiles. Last reply by John McNerney Apr 15, 2024. 4 Replies

Small-Scale Logging: Sugarbush and Woodlot Management Issue:  Many woodlot owners and maple syrup producers want to be more active in gathering logs or firewood from their property.  Often there are too few acres or too few trees to attract a…Continue

Tags: yourself, harvesting, woodlot, management, it

Replanting after timber harvest with climate change in mind

Started by Ben T. in Woodlot Management. Last reply by Patrik Schumann Mar 26, 2024. 1 Reply

Hi Everyone,I’ve been wondering what tree species are going to thrive over the next 50+ years as the climate warms in New York and I’m curious if folks are enhancing plantings of particular tree species for future commercial harvest with warmer and…Continue

Rust Colored Hemlock Bark

Started by Carl Albers in Woodlot Management Dec 31, 2023. 0 Replies

The hemlocks in my woodlots have been infested with hemlock wooley adelgid (HWA) for at least three years now.  Lately I've noticed some of them having a rust colored bark and I wonder if this is normal and that I just didn't notice it previously? …Continue



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