I was clearing a small field of brush and saplings this weekend and found what I believe is EAB

larvae. Also noticed on the edge of the field a larger ash tree with what looks to be possible latter

stage of the effects of the EAB. The property is located in Steuben County in the town of Hartsville. I

did send a email with photos to the DEC. I would like any opinions and feedback with regards to my

findings. Thanks



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The larva does not look like Emerald Ash Borer. It actually looks a little like a flatheaded appletree borer, which does feed on a variety of hardwood trees. EAB larvae, and other Agrilus, have a "nested bells" look to their body segments. (see photo). EAB larvae are also only found near the surface, and tunnel no more than 1/2 inch into the wood. The flatheaded appletree borer, and others, tunnel far into the heartwood, where it pupates.

The ash trees with the flaked off outer bark does look like the woodpecker damage we talk about (good eye!). Since you are 25 miles or so from the infestation in Bath, it would probably be worth giving those trees a closer look. I'll pass along your post. In the meantime, you can check for other signs and symptoms. See http://www.nyis.info/index.php?action=signs.

Thanks for being on the look out!

I agree with Rebecca. this is a round-headed borer, the family Cerambycidae. The larva looks like a horseshoe nail as opposed to those of EAB (family Buprestidae)in the photo that Rebecca posted. Notice that the head of the EAB is about the same width as the rest of the body and that the EAB looks like it has "nested" bells towards the rear part of the body. The Cerambycids have a much fatter head and no bells.

The trees with the woodpecker foraging do indeed look suspicious. I can't tell right off hand, but if they are ash I am concerned. This is common with woodpeckers feasting on elm bark beetles. Please look to see if they are ash or elms. Take a photo of the beetle galleries under the bark and get back to us!

Many thanks for taking the time to post these observations!

Almost a month has passed since this was posted. Is there any update on whether eab is present at this site. The large tree pictured sure has the shape of an elm tree to my eye. Hope it is an elm.

Here is an update. The large larvae was as Rebecca stated a flatheaded apple borer. As for the tree it turned out to be a elm infected with elm bark beetles. I would like to thank Dave Thorp from CE for coming over to do a site investigation
with me on a Sunday morning nonetheless! I guess my next question is what should
be done with that tree?


Yeah, kudos to Dave for going on a Sunday!

As for what to do with the tree. The elm tree probably has elm bark beetles. If you peel back the bark where the woodpeckering is you'll probably see very distinct galleries (see photo) and probably some blue staining from the Dutch elm disease fungus that the beetles carry. Both DED and elm bark beetles are pretty common now, but if you have other elm trees in the are that are healthy, you could cut this tree down to help protect them. Cut it and remove it from the site; the beetles can still emerge the year after the tree is cut. You can use it as firewood, just tarp it tightly for a year. The DED fungus does also spread from one elm to another through root grafts, so if you've got other elms that are pretty close, it may be too late. You can find all the details at http://na.fs.fed.us/fhp/ded/.

see the full sized picture at: http://www.forestryimages.org/browse/detail.cfm?imgnum=5252021



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