Brett Chedzoy


Watkins Glen, NY

United States

Profile Information:

How many acres of woodland do you own or annually manage?

Comment Wall:

  • Peter Smallidge

    Hi Brett:

    Welcome to the ning site.  Check out the forum.


  • Peter Smallidge

    Hi Brett:

    Maybe I'm missing something.  See the picture added by Carl DuPoldt and if you can let me  know its connection to working private woodlands....all I can get is chuckle.



  • Francisco J Ponce

    Thanks Brett, I am but in a different way open pasture in Wayne County New York and mono crop Corn and soybean. But I just purchased 121 acres of forest in West Monroe New York and i will like to change the way i raise cattle and instead of clear cut the forest for hay field i will forest farm. So this is new to me but i think is the right think to do and preserve the forest. I will like to learn more about Forest Farming and Silvopasture and share it with the people i know in South America and maybe help to preserve the rain forest by sharing with them what i will learn at the West Monroe land.

    Thank you