Rust Colored Hemlock Bark

Picture of a hemlock with rust colored bark.  When I cut a nearby tree, also with rust colored bark, it was infested with HWA.  Attached picture shows a Logrite ATV arch in use.

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    Lew Ward

    I've seen the rust colored bark on isolated Hemlock trees for decades, well before HWA showed up. I figured it was some environmental or soil born problem, no obvious signs.  As I read this article, I recalled that the browning of the Hemlock was on drier sites. I think this article explains the conditions creating environmental stress. Environmental stress increases susceptable to a variety of environmental conditions. pathogens, and inset infestations.  I also read a little in Diseases of Trees and Shrubs By Wayne Sinclair and Howard Lyon, an esential text for anyone growing woody plants. I noticed that  Phytopthora can cause browning in some species.