Stressors of Maple Trees - PSU webinar archived

Have you noticed areas with maples looking not as healthy as others? Maple decline is not due to a disease or pest but can be from various stress factors. During Stressors of Maple: Dieback and Mortality, learn about some of the causes attributed to poor maple health and canopy dieback.

We will discuss a case study of a northern hardwood landscape in the Upper Great Lakes region, where maple dieback has been associated with impacts from invasive earthworms. In areas glaciated over 10,000 years ago, earthworms were wiped out, so many species we are familiar with today are non-native and invasive. Learn about several types of earthworm groups and these ecosystem engineers damage tree physiology, forest soils, nutrients, plants, microorganisms, and wildlife communities.  Thanks to Penn State Cooperative Extension for this webinar in January 2023.

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